The Association
La mela di odessa
We believe in culture
“La Mela di Odessa” was born as a free and apolitical association, with unlimited duration over time and non-profit, regulated by a statute. It surrounds itself with people who voluntarily make available time, knowledge and the desire to work towards common goals.
Spreading the musical, historical and geographical culture of the Lucania territory and communicating with the world of young people through art is one of the fundamental objectives of “La Mela di Odessa”.
Through contacts between people, organizations and associations we try to broaden the knowledge of musical culture, literary and artistic communication.
The association proposes itself as a “place” of aggregation in the name of common cultural interests, as well as socialization through the realization of numerous activities, trying to act as a reference point for all those who want to experience music and art in all facets.
It can be said that the mission of the association is to provide opportunities for growth and aggregation in the organization of events, cultural, training, educational, informative and social activities, aimed at the growth of the territory and the involvement of the youth world.
Carried out projects:
There are numerous initiatives and various events realized. In addition to enjoying the patronage of the Basilicata Region, the Province of Matera and the municipalities that host such events, they also aim to promote the activities of the partners, economic subjects in the tourism sector, hospitality and catering, agro-food, crafts, as well as leisure and volunteer associations.
Over the years La Mela di Odessa has distinguished itself in the area for the Organization and Implementation of major Events, such as Blues in Town, an event conceived and organized by the association, now in its twelfth edition and well positioned among the main festivals on the national scene. It has completed numerous initiatives and transformed ideas into concrete moments of aggregation, working with private individuals and participating in numerous projects with public bodies. The relationship with the latter gives its initiatives the added value in terms of attendance and communication potential, thus allowing direct contact with the main accommodation facilities in the area.
Among the events held we remember the private club “Live Club & Cabaret”, a place where evenings of live jam sessions, musical workshops, educational seminars and a cabaret review entitled “A Smile for Life” were organized which saw the performance of great nationally renowned comedians.
La Mela di Odessa was also the winner of a call from the AGEFORMA (provincial training body) for a course of “English for Europe – 2nd level”. The training course, addressed to the territorial basin of the Province of Matera, was attended by 15 students, followed by 4 teachers, members of the association, totaling 200 hours of lessons.
For 5 years the Association, with Blues in Town, participated in the national congress, in Bologna, “Festival of Festivals”. This event saw the participation of the most important festivals on the national scene, about 350 in the last edition. Within the congress La Mela di Odessa participated in the “Best Poster” competition for the most creative concept, winning first place.To underline the work done by the festival in territorial marketing, the event was awarded the “Territory Improvement Award”.
With the municipal administration of Policoro, during some editions of Blues in Town, important campaigns were carried out to promote the tourist, artistic, food and wine resources of the area and the entire Basilicata Region. The “Blues in Town” is also recognized as an event of greater artistic and communicative depth in the summer calendar by the Municipality of Policoro.
The “Blues in Town” was included in the “UNOTRENTUNO” project, created by the Province of Matera in order to promote the most important cultural events and events organized in the province during the month of August 2007, December 2007, August 2008.
Thanks to LAG Cosvel and the participation of the Metapontino Quality Agri-food District, in the 2007 and 2008 edition of the “Blues in Town”, the project “Il Villaggio delle Tipicità” was consolidated: market exhibition of typical food products, at within which entrepreneurs from the areas of the Lucan LAGs COSVEL, ALLBA, Le Macine, Bradanica, and the Apulian LAGs Capo Santa Maria di Leuca and Terra d’Arneo – in 2007 – and with District and Gal Cosvel – 2008 edition- exhibited and made to taste their products.
The cultural association “La Mela di Odessa” participates, with the “Blues in Town” event, as a partner in the territorial marketing project “Welcome Lucania – Culture and Flavors of Basilicata”, promoted by Grassani & Garofano Tour Operator. The “Blues in Town” event is also the subject of tourism marketing actions promoted in collaboration with other major tourist consortia and tour operators in Basilicata: Caruso & Grassi Tour Operator, Mediterranean Consortium, RevJon Travel Tour Operator. With the same purposes and with the aim of increasing the promotion and communication of the quality offer of the territory, the partnership with the PIT Metapontino was established.
An important project was also revealed in terms of added value the “MAREMOTO & BLUES”, a motorcycle rally organized at national level in partnership with the HERACLEA motorcycle club in Policoro.
The Association also took care of the artistic direction, hospitality, security, strategic communication and tourism marketing, of the major events organized in the area, such as the two editions of the White Night of Policoro, of the television program “Blu TV con la Basilicata for Telethon “. “UnoTrentUno” project of the Province of Matera – Blues in Town in Tour – International Music and Culture Festival organized in partnership with the Municipality of Stigliano, the Municipality of Tricarico, the Municipality of Rotondella, the Municipality of Colobraro, the Province of Matera, the Ministry of Cultural Heritage. Participation in the “Fiera del Levante 2006-2007”.
Typicality Market Exhibition – Review for the enhancement and promotion of food and wine – Interregional Cooperation Project, Leader in partnership with Gal Cosvel srl, Gal Bradanica, Gal ALLBA, Gal Le Macine, Gal Terre D’Arneo, Gal Santa Maria di Leuca .
“Business Factory” project funded by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Department of Youth, as part of the “Business Culture” . Activation of guidance and accompaniment services for the realization of ideas that support young people from the conception phase to that of business start-up, as part of the “Business Factory” project, in partnership with the University of Basilicata – CAOS, A.N.G.A. (National Association of Young Farmers), L.E.SVI.L. (Laboratory of Economics of Local Development) S.r.l., Medtraining Association.
Blues in town production
Discover the activities and cultural initiatives
Discover the projects carried out and those in the pipeline by the Cultural Association.
Protecting artists in the music world.
The Blues in Town is popular poetry, the manifestation of a feeling, the story of a people that transforms itself into the history of all times, wearing the clothes of a universal language, that of emotions in music notes.
So “La Mela di Odessa” wants to pay homage to this refined, soft and velvety music, born from the intimate relationship between man and life!

Via Medaglia d'oro Sinisi, 43
Policoro, Matera, Basilicata